Booktuber Info What You Need to Know Before You Agree to Review a Book for an Indie Author

Photograph of a bookshelf, overlaying text reads 'The Do's and Don't of request a Booktuber to review your book'.

Booktube is a form of marketing underutilized by writers and publishers akin. Unlike book blogs, which have been effectually for a long time, booktube has merely actually taken off in the last few years and then those who have been in the industry a long time are mostly unaware of the community. A lot of independent and cocky-published authors volition send out their books to bloggers in return for a review merely completely ignore the rise potential that is booktube.

What is booktube?

'Booktube' is the unofficial name for YouTubers that make videos about books. The biggest of these channels tin pull in tens of thousands of viewers to every video, significant if they review your volume on photographic camera they would be advertising your book to tens of thousands of people.

Sending a booktuber your book

Sending a booktuber a copy of your volume is a cracking way to get it out there in the earth. A positive review by one of the biggest creators on the platform could ship your book's sales through the roof.

This commodity is a sort of follow-up to a previous article I wrote on asking a booktuber to review your book. I'd recommend reading that first every bit information technology goes into detail of how exactly to approach a booktuber about asking for a review.

Practise'south –

All the things you lot should exercise when contacting a booktuber regarding a book review.

Make it personal

Getting people to actually read your published books is a long and difficult process. Unfortunately, you can't just sit down down, send your book out to 3 people and the go next JK Rowling. It takes a lot of work. Simply only because you're sending your book out to 100 booktubers a day, doesn't mean you should be slacking on the personalization. Sending your emails as 'dear sir/miss' or 'to whom information technology may business organization' isn't personal.

Booktubers know you're most likely sending your volume out to as many people every bit possible and that they're non special, but it all the same doesn't feel nice to be naught only a box on someone's checklist. When contacting a booktuber address them by their existent proper name (Not their channel proper noun) and personalise the e-mail equally much as you can to show you've washed your research and put in the effort.

By a basic standard, you should know his/her proper noun, where they're from and how long they've been on youtube. This is the bare minimum. More research could and should be done into what sort of books they similar and dislike, their favourite authors and series, what sort of events they've attended, their social media presence. Things similar this can give you a more authentic target. If yous tin tell a booktuber "I saw in your 'favourite books of 2012' video that you really liked Divergent, my book has like themes such as 10 and x, and for that reason, I feel yous'd be a skilful fit to review it." is a lot more than personal and likely to get a review than a re-create-pasted bulletin.

Thank the author after the review, even if it'south bad –

Okay then if the author completely rips autonomously your volume and calls it the worst thing ever written, feel gratuitous to drop contact. It's not exactly professional, but neither is ripping apart someones work.

But if the review is amazing to meh, it's always best to transport them a thank you electronic mail, only to permit them know you appreciate their work and the effort they put into the video. You want to proceed relationships every bit positive every bit possible as booktubers do speak to one another and if y'all're rude it can pb to a bad reputation amid booktubers, some of whom may reject to piece of work with you in the futurity.

Don't –

Send your volume out to every single Booktuber you meet

Whilst you lot might think getting a high corporeality of mixed reviews is a practiced idea, it'due south really ameliorate to focus on getting a minor amount of highly rated reviews.

Booktubers oft network and watch each other'southward videos. Once a few have given you a review, the rest will follow. Do your enquiry and notice YouTubers who are likely to like your book. Don't worry about spamming anybody. That tin hurt your book and even your reputation every bit it comes off you just wanting gratuitous publicity and not really caring about making connections.

Assuming they merely because you're sending them a free book they will read it

Some authors seem to believe that because they are offer to send someone their book for gratuitous that they will read it considering after all, who doesn't like gratuitous books? And whilst a free book is a fair exchange for a review, booktubers get sent hundreds of books every calendar month, from self-published newbies to well-respected authors, indie publishers and paid sponsorships. They accept a lot of options for reading cloth, pregnant that your 'free book' is one of many they've been offered. The best y'all can do is be polite and hope the book'south blurb speaks for itself.

Just send them your book.

Yeah, so this is a matter that people manifestly do. Whether it'southward sending a booktuber a pdf of your book in an email or sending them a concrete copy of your book direct to their PO box, sending someone your book without first negotiating terms of the understanding is just rude and unprofessional.

Exercise non under any circumstances send a copy of your book, digital or otherwise to a booktuber without them offset agreeing to read information technology. It can come off every bit you throwing your book at their face and running away to hide until they postal service a review. Its besides kind of rude to assume that they volition want to read your book in the get-go place. It could not be their style or genre or they could only non be interested and that would be perfectly okay.

Merely transport a booktuber your book if they have fabricated it clear they are happy to read it. Until then, keep it to yourself.

Are you a booktuber? Leave a link to your channel beneath and follow others who have posted.

Picture of a girl sitting on a bench writing in a notebook next to a cup of coffee. Overlaying text reads 'the Dos and Donts of asking a Booktuber to review your book'.

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